Loving People to Jesus

We exist to reach every person for Christ, using everything we have, in whatever way we can.

Upcoming Events:

Ladies - join us Saturday, February 1st from 10:30am - noon as we come together for a time of snacks and fellowship. Please sign up by January 29th to attend.
Teens - Join us for the district all-nighter on February 21st and 22nd. You must sign up online to attend. Click the button below to go to the event page - then click on the registration link.
Join us at Sonlight on Saturday, March 1st from 8am - 6pm as we join the Global Church for day of worship, prayer, and learning. Feel free to come and go throughout the day. A schedule of the days events will be published soon. 
Aspire is a one-night women’s event with 3 ladies taking the stage.  Join us for a night full of comedy, music, and Bible teaching! Click the button below to go to the Aspire Website for more event details and ticket information.

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